Tom Pattenden

Tom Pattenden

How long have you been playing?

I started playing November 5th 2017. No one actually got me into kendama, I saw it on instagram and thought it looked cool so I ordered my first one the same day.

What's your best kendama memory?

My best memory probably has to be when I half jokingly entered the open at BKO in 2019 and ended up coming 4th!

What's your local scene like?

I’m from Bristol. When I first started there wasn’t many people playing. But over a few months I managed to get a people into it, which ended up being around 80 kids at one point in 2018. However, since then, almost all of the scene in Bristol has died out. Leaving me and 1 or 2 other people.

What’s your favourite trick/what do you wish you were better at?

My fave tricks have gotta be ken flips and très. I do wish I was more consistent at fast hands tho.

What is kendama to you?

Kendama is a hobby to me that also acts as an escape from the day to day. I feel it's something you can constantly improve upon. Which you can get on with wherever and whenever.

Who are your biggest influences in kendama?

My biggest influences have got to be Teodore and Alex Mitchel. But there are so many more!

Favourite bite?

Gotta be chicken teriyaki.

Fun Fact?

I teach flip and love to ride fixed gear!


Toms Instagram

 Toms Current Kendama 

