Sean Laughton
How long have you been playing?
I started playing in October 2017. I was down my local skatepark and I noticed @mattietd had a kendama. I thought it was a bit stupid at first and asked to have a go thinking it'll be super easy, at least 50+ tries later I got my first big cup the obsession began.
What's your best kendama memory?
My favourite Kendama memory is back from my first BKO in 2018. Mattie and I were playing a game of ken on Instagram live during comp day, messing around having a blast, I stared down the camera and slap my first no look yank spike and the reaction from the both of us was insane.
What's your local scene like?
I'm from Hayes in London, the local scene in my area is quite small and consists of about 4/5 of us. As you venture more into central London the scene grows more though. Since I started to playing, the London scene has grown from 5 of us to at least 30+!
What’s your favourite trick/what do you wish you were better at?
Favourite trick will forever be inny loon trè's, and I wish I was more consistent with multiple taps.
What is kendama to you?
Everything. Its my way of life, my meditation, something I can put all my pent up stress into.
Who are your biggest influences in kendama?
My Biggest inspiration has been Adrian Esteban. When I started playing and first saw his tricks, I fell in love with them and had to learn. Now it's had a big impact on my string tech and play style.
Favourite bite?
Pizza, pizza and more pizza 🍕🍕🍕
Fun Fact?
I've been DJ'ing for about half a year now and was struggling to come up my alias. While at an event my friend rephrased kendama into the perfect name. Kenny D